Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Safety

I have grown up with dogs my entire life, I can only remember a couple of times that I lived without a dog and they included my life in college.  So I have quite a bit of experience with what dogs can and cannot eat. It's amazing to me that there are people out there who do not know that chocolate is poisonous to a dog! You also need to be very careful with thin bones such as chicken bones, and this time of year, turkey bones.  Bones can be fatal to a dog if swallowed as they are not digestible and can puncture the stomach.

In doing research about Dalmatians, I discovered that most are literal chow-hounds, and Aries is no exception.  I have not found a single food item she will not eat.  This includes an entire salad, raw potatoes, fish, fruits, and onions, just to name a few.  With that being said I have to be very careful as to what I offer her and pay attention to what she is stealing off of counters. 

This Thanksgiving, if you are unsure if what you're feeding your dog is going to be harmful to them, do not feed it to them! It's better to be safe than sorry. 

A few things to watch out for:

Nuts of any kind - they are hard to digest
Turkey - only a few bites, it's hard on the digestion system
Cooked onions - can be fatal to some dogs
Turkey bones - these can, and most likely will be, fatal
CHOCOLATE - this can be instantly fatal

Just please use common sense and feed in small portions and moderation.

Thanksgiving is a Dalmatians favorite holiday!


  1. Okay so I've always heard that chocolate is bad for animals but why is it every time they eat it nothing happens? lol. I think Bella ate a chocolate bar once and she's still alive and kickin.

  2. It really depends on portion size - and the particular dog and even breed! Aries ate a chocolate moon pie when she was about 8 months old, within 24 hours she was lying around depressed on the couch and I'm sure she would have been complaining of a stomach ache if only she could talk! :)
