Friday, August 15, 2014

Five Simple Steps to Yard Sale Prep with Lyra Aries

This is the very first installment of what may soon be a bi-weekly occurrence of tips, tricks, and helpful hints with Lyra Aries! 

Summer is coming to an end (we hope!) so Aries has decided to start cleaning out the house to make room for those decorations we will all be putting up soon. We're going to have a yard sale to make a little extra cash while making new spots for new stuff!  So follow along for some great yard sale tips.

Step One: Look around your whooooooole house. Nothing and nowhere is off limits (unless it belongs to someone else...)

Don't forget these key places:

The Garage (Look high!)

The Kitchen (Who knows what treasures await in the back of the cabinets!)

Under the Bed (Look low!)

Step Two:  Assemble your potential findings in one location

Luckily Lyra Aries doesn't have a lot of stuff so she is able to organize all of her possessions in one place. 
(Pro Tip: A nice box might help to keep things organized.)

Step Three: Categorize. (It can get a little messy at this stage.)

Now Lyra Aries is not starving to death (I promise) nor will she be kicked to the street if she doesn't sell anything at the yard sale but she would love to make a little side cash for her emergency treat fund! So she's going to organize her findings into three piles:

Keep. Yard Sale! Throw Away.

Step Four: Be honest with yourself. This is a very important step!

Lyra Aries has a lot of toys that she no longer uses or enjoys anymore. So these will go in her Yard Sale/Throw Away pile depending on condition. It may be embarrassing that she kept it this long but no one else is going to want her three-legged, face-missing polar bear so that will go in the trash pile. 

Throw Away

But look at this shirt! It's still in great shape but just a little small for Aries so that's a great item for the yard sale! 

(She's still a little embarrassed about eating all the cookies)

Then in her pile I found this old freezer toy and I was ready to toss it in the yard sale pile. I haven't seen Aries play with it in forever and it's still in good shape for someone else to enjoy. But Aries then reminds me it is one of her very first puppy toys and we can't get rid of it.  And that's okay! Don't get rid of items that have sentimental value!

But then we found this penguin. Still in great shape, especially if we take the extra minute to brush off the lint. We even found that it's still a lot of fun to play with. Buuuuuut Aries hasn't used it in awhile and even though she still likes it and it's fun right now... it's time for it to find a new home. Remember, we're trying to sell good stuff to buy even better stuff (like treats)! 

Bye, bye penguin

Step Five: Stay Organized.

Throw away the trash.
Put away the stuff you're keeping.
Put a fair price on your yard sale items.
Store your yard sale items in a safe, clean location until the big day. 

Ready with the yard sale pile!

Well guys we hope Lyra Aries has given you some great yard sale tips. Please feel free to share your best yard sale tips too! 

Yard Sale prep is a lot of work!